Boussard & Gavaudan is an asset management group specializing in alternative financial management.
Created in 2002, BG has more than 80 employees based in Paris, London and New York and manages several billion Euros of assets. Our main products are AIFs, a listed fund (London & Amsterdam), UCITS funds.
The Credit Analyst function is a position that allows you to join a dynamic and growing London-based credit team within BGIM.
Reporting to the portfolio manager in charge of the private debt strategy, your main tasks will be to:
This varied and complex position will provide technical expertise on financial products as well as an overall knowledge of the functioning of the UCITS and the AIFs.
You come from a higher education (business school, engineering or university) with at least 5 years of significant and successful experience in credit (leveraged finance, commercial banking, credit fund, debt or corporate finance advisory).
You are self-motivated, possess strong analytical skills, have curiosity and striving to learn.
You are rigorous, independent, have excellent interpersonal skills and a good command of English allowing you to work in an international environment.
If you are eager to learn in a demanding and highly stimulating environment to enhance your CV with a rewarding experience within a professional and experienced team, please send your CV to the following email address:
La réponse aux questions marquées d'un astérisque est obligatoire, et le fait de ne pas répondre à ces questions peut avoir des conséquences négatives sur le sort de votre demande. La réponse aux questions sans astérisque est facultative et n'affectera pas le traitement de votre demande. Notre procédure de recrutement comprend un ou plusieurs entretiens personnels. Les données collectées seront traitées de manière confidentielle et sécurisée, dans le cadre de la gestion du recrutement chez Boussard & Gavaudan. Elles seront utilisées strictement à des fins internes et seuls les employés autorisés y auront accès. Nous vous rappelons que vous pouvez accéder à vos informations, les faire rectifier ou les faire supprimer. Si vous le souhaitez, veuillez contacter .