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Risk warning: Past performance is no guide to future performance.
The value of holdings may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back their initial investment.


Boussard & Gavaudan Convertible

Hedge Fund

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Morningstar 5*

2024 Morningstar 5* - Boussard & Gavaudan SICAV Convertible I-EUR

Morningstar 4*

2024 Morningstar 4* Boussard & Gavaudan SICAV Convertible I-USD, P-EUR,P-GBP

HFM Event Driven Award

2016 HFM Event Driven Award

Eurohedge Award for best “Convertibles & Volatility Strategies” fund

2015 Eurohedge Award for best “Convertibles & Volatility Strategies” fund

Our Funds



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