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ESG policy

The Boussard & Gavaudan Group (“BG”) is committed to maintaining an investment approach that incorporates environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) as well as responsible investment considerations in order to better serve its client’s interests.

BG supports the objectives of the Paris Agreement and is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (“UN PRI”). BG has run exclusionary lists on controversial weapons for many years and has adopted a formal ESG policy which covers inter alia:

  • embedding ESG principals within the Group
  • committing to the principals of the UN PRI
  • implementing ESG factors into investment analysis
  • operating value based restricted lists
  • having an active corporate engagement and voting policy
  • ensuring transparency and clear reporting to investors   

In addition, BG supports the Say on Climate initiative, which encourage disclosure of climate transition action plans for listed companies and annual accountability via AGM voting.

BG expects its approach to ESG to evolve over time to reflect changes in the industry, regulation and best practice.

 Article 10 Disclosure – BGCB

Article 10 Disclosure – BGEI

Article 10 Disclosure – BGMF

Download the ESG and Responsible Investment Policy (.pdf)

Download the Engagement Policy (.pdf)

Engagement Report 2020

Engagement Report 2021

Engagement Report 2022

Engagement Report 2023

Download the SFDR disclosure

Download Article 29-LEC Report 

Download Stewardship Report (.pdf)

Stewardship Report 2023



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